When an old film I love is re-released to theaters, I see it as an opportunity.  Sure, I may have seen it a dozen times at home, but nothing beats the big screen.

Take a few weeks ago.  When I realized that my town’s IMAX theater was participating in the Raiders of the Lost Ark re-release, I jumped at the opportunity.  Literally.  I got so excited that I jumped and ran around the house in my fedora until I had tired myself out like a child.  In my delirium, my husband said I was more excited at the chance to see Raiders on the big screen than any other cherished moments we’ve had together…like our wedding.  He knew what he was getting into, but I digress.

All my life, I had been watching Raiders of the Lost Ark on TVs.  Big TVs, little TVs, HDTVs, little tiny ones that came with the family van.  I was engrossed in the images no larger than my own head at times.  As I sat in the theater, it was like seeing my favorite movie with a new set of eyes.  A movie that had always been bigger than life was bigger than ever and it was 115 minutes of pure film heaven.

That being said, let me get to the point of why I’m writing this now.  This week, select theaters will be showing two classics that beg to be seen on the big screen.  On Wednesday, October 4th E.T. will be showing in celebration of its 30th anniversary.  The following day, Thursday, October 5th will be Lawrence of Arabia, celebrating its 50th anniversary.

Did you hear that?  E.T. in theaters for a new generation of kids to really experience.  Lawrence of Arabia in all it’s expansive glory on a screen big enough to do the film justice!  You know as well as I that no TV in an average home is really fit to watch Lawrence of Arabia on.  Even my husband is excited enough about it to stay out late for this!

Anyway, join me won’t you?  Click here for E.T. and here Lawrence of Arabia to see if your local theaters are hosting these one night only showings.

11 responses to “E.T. & Lawrence of Arabia in Theaters This Week”

  1. I actually won tickets to E.T. and I’m still undecided about Lawrence…It’s just so long

    1. Sweet! How did you do that? My husband and I are definitely going to Lawrence, even if it doesn’t let out until nearly midnight.

  2. E.T. came out 10 years ago as well, and I caught it then. I am very excited to go see Lawrence on the big screen. If there is any movie made for the big screen, its Lawrence of Arabia.

    Other classics I had a chance to check out in theaters again include Apocalypse Now, The Exorcist (on Halloween no less), and Back to the Future.

    1. I remember it being out 10 years ago, but for some reason couldn’t make it. Seeing The Exorcist in theaters would be so fun!

      1. It was fun. And it was the first time I ever saw it too.

  3. I would go to Lawrence of Arabia, one of my all time favorite movies, if it wasn’t for the fact I have a calculus midterm at the same time. Despair…..
    Do they bring back older films often? Or is this a once in a blue moon opportunity that I am going to miss? I hope not.

    1. Aw, midterms are never fun, but good luck. 🙂 I think this is a once in a blue moon thing, but I hope it comes around again. I know I’ll keep a look out for it again.

  4. PS: I just realized that ET and Lawrence’s initials (TE) are backwards from each other. I hope I’m not the only one who thinks that’s cool….

  5. First time I watched Lawrence of Arabia was upon its remastered re-release, around 1989, in a brand-new 70mm copy, in a cinema with excellent equipment at London’s Leicester Square, which I had all to myself. This still is the most mind-blowing movie theatre experience I ever had!
    And the film is not long. In it’s 216 min director’s cut edition, it is exactly as long as it needs to be. “The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it’s long!”

    1. That sounds like an amazing experience, Thomas!

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