Well darn, so close to the end of the project I hate to tell you that I’ve come across another film out of my grasp, but that’s just how it goes.  After getting roped into the first five minutes available on YouTube, I realized that the rest of the film was no where to be found.  So once again, any helpful hints on where to find Wuthering Heights would be most welcome.

Since I have a lack of film to talk about today, this seems like a good time to inform my loyal readers about real-life stuff and why things have been a little slow around here.  My life outside the blog has been very busy for the past few months, mostly because my husband and  I will be moving in a few weeks.  It’s been a challenge to fly 500 miles, house hunt, show my present house to sell and keep up consistently with the blog.  Many posts lately have been written on the road, but I won’t tell you which ones came from hotel rooms, strange coffee shops and airport terminals.

Even more exciting, if you look at that long list of years to the right, you’ll only find 2 years missing right now.  That means I’m extremely close to the end of this journey.  12 reviews to be exact.  Then I’ll review all the missing films I can, as I find them.  I almost can’t believe this is nearly over, but I’m ready to move on with bigger and better things.  Thanks loyal readers, and to newer readers, check out the ‘about the project’ page if you have any questions.

11 responses to “Wuthering Heights (Missing) & Nearing the End of the Project”


  2. *Wuthering Heights* is right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGCapYDTxdQ&feature=related

    It should be the whole thing because that’s where I watched it several months ago.

    1. You’re a saint, Audrey. I swear I looked all over YouTube but couldn’t find anything more than the opening. Thanks so much, I really appreciate it.

  3. I remember I had to get the VHS copy of wuthering heights from the city library when I watched it. Its in the AFI 100 so you wouldn’t think it would be so hard to find.

    I kind of expected you to save 1939 for your last year, since its THE major year of movie history when you look back at it.

    1. That would’ve been a good idea, glad it’s near the end. Instead I’ve got 1968 and 1999 to end on.

  4. like many other classics, Wuthering Heights is on the Chinese youtube-clone “Youku”: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ3MDM5MTQ0.html. Hope it works!

    1. Thank you so much, hopefully I can get this watched and reviewed soon.

  5. Just had to comment on the end of the project…shall truly miss your project site and the opportunity provided to sound off and read your (and other) views….whatever shall I do without your film e-mails?

    1. Thank you Ken, knowing someone will miss my new reviews means my project was a success. I don’t plan on just disappearing from the blogosphere, though there may be a break so real-life can settle a bit. There are still some missing films to find and perhaps I’ll feel the need to discuss some films that deserved the Best Picture nom, but were snubbed. Suggestions are always welcome.

      1. Films that were snubbed is a good idea.

        Regardless of what you do next, this has been an awesome, awesome site and you should be proud. Congratulations on making it so far. I know I’m going to continue to visit this blog as I work my way through all the Best Picture nominees.

      2. Thank you for the awesome, awesome support!

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